EuroMemorandum 2018: Can the EU still be saved? The implications of a multi-speed Europe – BEIGEWUM

EuroMemorandum 2018: Can the EU still be saved? The implications of a multi-speed Europe

am 4. Februar 2018 um 20:43h

Near­ly ten years into the cri­sis, after the EU opted for aus­teri­ty and dere­gu­la­ti­on, the mem­ber sta­tes are still loo­king for the way out. The reper­cus­sions inclu­de the rise of ultra-right wing poli­ti­cal for­ces across Euro­pe which feeds into the anti-Euro­pean popu­lar sen­ti­ment they cul­ti­va­te. Exi­t­ing the EU has been gai­ning ground and will soon be the case for Bri­tain. This repres­ents a tur­ning point in the histo­ry of the EU, against an ‚ever clo­ser union‘.
Can the EU still be saved? This is a dif­fi­cult ques­ti­on inde­ed. The White Paper on the Future of Euro­pe pro­du­ced by the Euro­pean Com­mis­si­on details five sce­n­a­ri­os. Howe­ver, the­se tend to over­look inherent ten­si­ons in Euro­pe, e.g. heigh­te­ned inse­cu­ri­ty rela­ting to labour mar­kets, the role of finan­ce in the post-cri­sis era, and the rise of a sub­al­tern class across Euro­pe. The Euro­Me­mo­ran­dum 2018 cri­ti­cal­ly ana­ly­ses recent deve­lo­p­ments in Euro­pe and empha­si­ses the strong need for alter­na­ti­ve poli­ci­es. The eco­no­mic sys­tem impo­sed in the after­math of the cri­sis must be chan­ged through a shared Euro­pean pro­cess. The future of Euro­pean inte­gra­ti­on will depend on the deepe­ning of demo­cra­cy in the inte­rests of sta­bi­li­ty, soli­da­ri­ty and social justice.
Almost 250 eco­no­mists and social sci­en­tists from all over Euro­pe and bey­ond have expres­sed their sup­port for the Euro­Me­mo­ran­dum 2018. More details and the full docu­ment can be found.

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