2017 November – BEIGEWUM

Archiv für November 2017

Panel Discussion: „The banking crisis in Italy and its impact on the Euro“ – 23.11.2017 15:15 WU Wien

10. November 2017 – 17:22 Uhr

The ban­king cri­sis in Ita­ly and its impact on the Euro

Recent­ly, Ita­ly has beco­me the focus of inter­na­tio­nal media atten­ti­on, most­ly due to the fra­gi­li­ty of its ban­king sys­tem. One bank, Mon­te dei Paschi di Sie­na has alrea­dy been saved by a stran­ge com­bi­na­ti­on of bail in and bai­lout. Other Ita­li­an banks, amongst them major play­ers, are also in a vul­nerable situa­ti­on. In the mean­ti­me, the Euro­zo­ne has brought about rules that pre­vent sta­tes from bai­ling out banks. They now have to be bai­led in by their owners and even even­tual­ly their depositors.

The panel will dis­cuss the fol­lowing ques­ti­ons: What has cau­sed the Ita­li­an ban­king cri­sis? Has it been impru­dent len­ding, or is it due to the lack of growth in the Ita­li­an eco­no­my? In terms of per capi­ta GDP, Ita­ly is now doing worse than befo­re the intro­duc­tion of the euro. The­re is a mas­si­ve lack of demand in the Ita­li­an eco­no­my, part­ly due to con­stant aus­teri­ty. Can this be the rea­son for the fra­gi­li­ty of the Ita­li­an ban­king sys­tem, whe­re the ratio of non-per­forming loans has reached 19%?

Ita­ly, unli­ke the pre­vious­ly men­tio­ned coun­tries, is a lar­ge part of the EU. Its col­lap­se, or a cri­sis in its ban­king sys­tem, may have an enor­mous impact on the Euro­pean Union.


Prof. Gui­do Mon­ta­ni, Pro­fes­sor of Inter­na­tio­nal Poli­ti­cal Eco­no­my at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Pavia

Prof. Ric­car­do Fio­ren­ti­ni, Pro­fes­sor at Uni­ver­si­ty of Padova

Dr. Tho­mas Fazi, Jour­na­list & Author

Vanes­sa Redak, Oes­ter­rei­chi­sche Natio­nal­bank (OeNB, Aus­tri­an Cen­tral Bank)



Thurs­day, 23. 11.2017




Vien­na Uni­ver­si­ty of Eco­no­mics and Busi­ness (WU)

Welt­han­dels­platz 1, 1020 Wien

TC.2.01 Sie­mens Hör­saal (120)


Part of a con­fe­rence seri­es on the Euro and the Ita­li­an cri­sis, orga­nis­ed by the Alex­and­re Lam­fa­lus­sy Facul­ty of Eco­no­mics, Uni­ver­si­ty of Sopron, Hun­ga­ry in coope­ra­ti­on with the Uni­ver­si­ty of Eco­no­mics in Bratislava.



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